Top 4 romantic tips for a great 1st wedding anniversary celebration!

4 min readAug 16, 2021


Top 4 romantic tips for a great 1st wedding anniversary celebration!

The first wedding anniversary is always a very special one for any couple. Memories of that dream wedding are still quite fresh. Although a year has rolled by, it has been a pretty good ride thus far with the usual ups and downs. So, given the mercurial times that we live in, when marriages end even before the wedding flowers have withered, a first wedding anniversary deserves all the attention and celebration!

Sadly, it is often the small things that chip away even a strong relationship. And when a relationship is as new and as fragile as a one-year-old marriage, then some kid-gloves-handling call for. Nothing stirs a woman’s senses so much as discovering a romantic partner in her husband even after a year. So, if you plan to wow her on your first wedding anniversary, forget the splashy, extravagant gestures (although they are pretty good too!) and focus on the little things, unexpected gestures, and guess-defying surprises that will floor her.

So, here are the top 10 ideas to help you get your own creative juices flowing:

Soak the day (and night) in romance:

Make and serve breakfast on the bed for her. It need not be elaborate but be sure to arrange the tray artistically. Place an anniversary card, a red rose, and your gift on it and present it to her. Don’t let her lift a finger to do any housework on this day. Take the day off from work if you have to. Let her have a nice and long lie-in. Prepare lunch. Better still, go out for one.

The evening is the ace that you have up your sleeve. Make her a lip-smacking spread, place the choicest wines on the table, and have soft music playing in the background as she joins you, dressed in that sensuous number you presented her. Later, walk with her, hand-in-hand, to the bedroom and exult to the gasp that escapes her lips when she sees the bed strewn with rose petals. Wait! There are rose petals in her bath as well. Enjoy a long soak together and the rest, well, we leave that up to you. Tip: Don’t rush even if you are dying to. Once you seduce her senses, you won’t have to wait too long anyway!

wedding anniversary

wedding anniversary

Pamper her from head to toe:

No, not at a steeply-priced spa, but right here in your cozy home. Set the ambiance first. Have aromatic reed fusions placed in the bedroom. Place lighted scented candles all over the room and even in the bathroom. The smell can be a powerful aphrodisiac. Draw the curtains and place the massage mats on the floor. Keep the massage oils ready. Oh yes, have sensuous music playing softly in the background. Invite her to lie down and give her a massage she won’t forget for a long, long time. Once you do, ask her to return the favor. Have the bath drawn and ready and indulge in a long soak together.

Let your gift reflect your sensitivity:

A year is a fairly long time for getting an intimate insight into what makes your partner tick. The first anniversary is definitely not for mundane gifts like food processors and microwaves. Like it or not, she expects romance — in huge dollops. Your gift has to tug at her heart, and that means some careful planning and investing your imagination. If you are otherwise a disaster in the kitchen but still manage to bake her favorite chocolate marriage anniversary cake with a photo and a lovely message piped on it, she couldn’t be more thrilled. It simply tells her that you care enough to have made an effort.

Renew your vows:

Yes, marriages these days barely make it past the fifth anniversary, so treasure your first year — the first milestone — and accord it the grand celebration it deserves. You could consider having a private ‘wedding ceremony’ all over again when you solemnly repeat your vows to each other. Not only will it make her feel cherished and happy, but she will also feel the last vestiges of insecurity draining out of her.

wedding anniversary

wedding anniversary

Above all, the first wedding anniversary is all about loving and treasuring each other for a lifetime. Give her super special memories of the first year, even when you are raising a toast to your diamond jubilee!




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